
For the lack of snow shoes


snowshoes range Nailsworth, GlosAn extensive, midnight, up-hill trek of five miles in the snow in less than suitable shoes meant I could not walk properly because of excruciating pain when my heels touched the ground the next morning. Heal supports and an operation was the advice given. I chose Medics-Acu for Acupuncture and Massage. To my mind, TCM has been around for thousands of years and used by millions of people, so there has to be something in it. There was. Medics-Acu offered me no instant rewards but steady improvement and progress. Walking 10 to 15 miles properly, on a regular basis today from the hesitant hobble a year ago is marked progress – and, all this was achieved over a reasonable time-frame. Yes, I'm a larger shoe size now but I can wear pretty shoes that have both the function and the look! Acupuncture restored both strength and flexibility to my ankles and feet. Great. [EF, Nailsworth]

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